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Comics & Sequential Art

Page 17 of The Fox Who Became A Girl featuring her changing into a human girl throughout the seasons, eventually waking up to be a girl in a fox's skin. Page 18 of The Fox Who Became A Girl featuring her stepping out of the fox skin into the temporal space time continum and the never-ending possibilities for who she could really be. She reforms as a humble girl in front of the mirror in the end, happy with herself and her new form post transition.
Excerpts from Page 17 and 18 of THE FOX WHO BECAME A GIRL
Page 1 of Nova Pyxis the young lionfolk's unfortunate walk through the forest Page 2 of Nova Pyxis the young lionfolk's unfortunate walk through the forest, now he is being hunted by hyena men with bow and arrows who count down to their attack on him
Page 3 of Nova Pyxis the Lionfolk now being chased by the hunters. Page 4 of Nova Pyxis the lion folk now captured by the hyena hunters, calls out for his father to help him as the short story ends

The misadventures of young Nova Pyxis, Lionfolk Bard
- DnD 5E Character Backstory Comic


RoadRat valentine's day comic
Caduceus Clay from Critical Role, a firbolg with pink hair, slaps himself back to full health with a facepalm heal.
Caduceus Clay from Critical Role melding into the wall environment with Camoflague spell
wyx the red kobold feeding their giant turtle pet a watermelon that explodes when Chomps crunches it with his jaw.

Clippy the paper clip with a cowboy hat on saying yee and i cannot stress this enough HAW when he pulls in haw from off screen with a lasso.
sketchbook + studies

'Clarity' project 'Rotten' project 'Super Posh Club' project 'Sundown RPG' project 'The Yawning Nebula' project The Fox Who Became A Girl Project Page Hudson Travels project page