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Contribution to 'Wrestling With Gender Volume 2' an unpublished community zine.

The Fat Folks Tarot originally printed in 2022 and reprinted in April of 2024, via 2 successful Kickstarters.

"Tarot can be a powerful tool, a fun way to pass the time, or a part of someone's spiritual practice, but no matter how you use tarot it's always a work of art. While the cards are meant to depict the entire realm of the human experience, many people have been left out of the imagery in traditional tarot decks, including fat, BIPOC, disabled, and LGBTQ+ folks. With Fat Folks Tarot, we've brought together a group of 77 diverse fat artists and created a unique deck for and by fat people. This deck includes all 78 of the Major and Minor Arcana and each card features gorgeous art of fat folks."

See all 78 tarot cards drawn by 77 diverse artist on fatfolks.org!

Mushroom people and mushroom illustrations on paper, watercolor Game of Shrooms

In 2021, Orion contributed three mushroom themed ink + watercolour art pieces to the worldwide art-n-seek community game:

Game of Shrooms.

Started by the artist known as Attaboy, Game of Shrooms happens in June yearly.

During this special day of the year, artists from all over the world hide their mushroom themed artwork in public places. Many artists will post hints online to help community members seek out their mushroom art!

If you find one, you win it and get to keep it!

You can participate too!
A vampire latching onto a woman's neck A crocodile drawn in two different styles for above and below water.
A black cat being carried away in a witch hat by bats An Ostara piece featuring a double sided light Sun and dark Moon bunnies, with other animal symbolism like the frog's lifecycle and the moon's phases.
A watercolor illustration of Sylvia Rivera in trans and queer pride colours A watercolor illustration of Marsha P. Johnson in trans pride colours
sketchbook + studies

'Clarity' project 'Rotten' project 'Super Posh Club' project 'Sundown RPG' project 'The Yawning Nebula' project The Fox Who Became A Girl Project Page Hudson Travels project page